Smart Response

Anomaly’s AI engine built for health payment.

Stay ahead of payers and take control of your payments.

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Our Products

Anomaly Smart Response Trend
Eliminates the payer’s advantage by automatically adapting to your payers to uncover new trends, edits and policy changes, preventing months of data mining and inaccurate billing.
Provides the predictive insight you need, on each encounter in real-time, alerting you to which payments are at risk, the reason, and how to fix it so you get paid accurately, the first time.

Ready-to-Use, Tuned and Adapted to Your Environment in Hours.

Data science teams are hard to find and AI models are time consuming and expensive to build. We already spent the resources and effort building Smart Response, so you can leverage it today. Once installed, Smart Response is tuned to your environment and ready to predict claim performance real-time, before bills are even created.
Built using more than 3 Billion medical and pharmacy claims
Tested against $45B worth of billable encounters
97% precision across 200M analyzed claims
No new UI to learn, APIs to integrate into your tools
No extracts needed. Smart Response is installed inside your protected architecture
Updates automatically based on changes picked up in your data with payers